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Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADU’s are fast becoming a very popular part of Los Angeles homes. With the rising costs of rent and the small availability of affordable housing many have begun to convert garages, attics, basements or even add small units on their property to rent out. The addition of rental income means that you can do more of the things you like to do without having to work harder and you have instantly added value to your property. Congrats! You have decided to convert your empty garage into an ADU, you know what you would like to do but are concerned about the costs.
In preparation of beginning the project you can give us a call for a free consultation. Building an ADU may seem like it could be a DIY, but it will require a foundation, framing, wiring and plumbing and not to mention if you plan on renting it out or possibly selling your property one day the ADU will need to be up to code. The best way to ensure that the cost is kept under budget is to design the ADU first.
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